Professional expert opinions based on expertise and experience.

Alert Investigations is a consulting firm that specializes in providing services to businesses in order to achieve compliance with liquor regulation and franchise labor exploitation. We offer consulting services in liquor regulation compliance, franchise labor exploitation compliance audits, and corporate labor exploitation and supply chain audits. Our team of consultants and investigators have extensive experience and knowledge in these areas which helps us provide comprehensive solutions to our clients.

Alert Investigations is a consulting firm that specializes in providing services to businesses in order to achieve compliance with liquor regulation and franchise labor exploitation. We offer consulting services in liquor regulation compliance, franchise labor exploitation compliance audits, and corporate labor exploitation and supply chain audits. Our team of consultants and investigators have extensive experience and knowledge in these areas which helps us provide comprehensive solutions to our clients.

Need An Expert Opinion To Help You Analyze Or Troubleshoot Potential Issues?

Alert Investigations has the experience and training you need to make the right decisions for your business.

Alert Investigations has the experience and training you need to make the right decisions for your business.

Our Expertise On Your Side

We Tailor Our Services To Suit Your Needs

Franchisee Compliance Audits

Franchisors expect their franchisees to follow their franchise agreement. However, many fail to do so by failing to disclose correct financials and by utilizing exploited labor. Alert Investigations can conduct random or targeted audits during business hours or after business hours. Our auditors confirm your franchisees are following their franchise agreement and are not engaged in activities that would harm your brand or expose you to potential litigation, such as by utilizing exploited labor in violation of state and federal labor laws.

Liquor Regulation Compliance & Risk Management

Alert Investigations provides complete compliance solutions to nightclubs, bars, high-end restaurants, and liquor stores. Out consultants and investigators conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your business which may include employee interviews, outreach to local law enforcement, review of public records, and secret shopper visits. A written report is completed with recommendations to reduce your risk of criminal, civil, regulatory, and administrative litigation exposure. Our consultants and investigators will continue to support you throughout the year.

Labor Exploitation and Ethical Supply CHain AUdits

Corporations often hire staffing agencies, subcontractors, and vendors. Whether foreign or domestic-based, there is a large amount of labor exploitation occurring. Many companies are conducting due diligence on their vendors, staffing agencies, and subcontractors to prevent ever being associated with labor exploitation or slave labor. However, regular audits of your business partners are needed to maintain the integrity of your brand.