Submit a Case Review

Once we have reviewed your submission, we will reach out to discuss next steps, including potential engagement terms, if we believe we can assist with your case.

It’s only after a formal agreement has been reached and signed by both parties that a client/investigator relationship is established.

Case Review Request Form

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We appreciate your interest and willingness to entrust us with your investigative needs.

However, it’s important to understand that submitting a request or sending a message through our contact form does not automatically initiate a client/investigator relationship. The process of case acceptance is a deliberate one, involving careful review and consideration of the details provided to determine if we can effectively assist you.

By submitting a request, you are expressing interest in our services and providing preliminary information for our review. This does not constitute a commitment on our part to take on your case, nor does it imply that we have entered into a working relationship with you. We reserve the right to decline cases for various reasons, including but not limited to, conflict of interest, capacity limitations, or if we determine the case falls outside of our area of expertise.

Once we have reviewed your submission, we will reach out to discuss next steps, including potential engagement terms, if we believe we can assist with your case. It’s only after a formal agreement has been reached and signed by both parties that a client/investigator relationship is established.

We appreciate your understanding of this important clarification.